Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Another way to help: Make a blood donation!

I made a blood donation tonight. It's something I really enjoy doing. The clinic staff always makes me feel so darned special.  Plus, lots of people I care about have needed blood transfusions at one time or another so it seems like the least I can do.

When Jon was in hospital undergoing treatment, people asked what they could do to help. One of the things he suggested was that they donate blood, plasma or platelets - so one lunch hour a group of us who worked with him went to the local blood donor clinic en masse. I remember that we laughed a lot. And talked about Jon. And tried hard to distract and encourage the newbies who were nervous about making their first donations. It was a good day - a day when we were all happy we could do something to help and still felt optimistic that Jon would recover from the leukemia that eventually took his life.

Please consider making a blood donation if you're able to. Less than 4% of eligible Canadians do - and you really could save a life - two or three even. I promise it won't hurt a bit. And did I mention they treat you to cookies and juice after?

For more information on donating blood, click here.

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