Sunday, July 10, 2011

Week 7: On vacation (sort of) but still running!

Kilometres this week:  35 kms
Total kms in 7 weeks:  201.2 kms
Other training: 2 hours yoga, several long beach walks
Funds raised to date: $1610.00

The big news this week is that I had a lovely note from Kirsi who reported that she was doing well and looking forward to a two week vacation - part of which she hoped to spend sailing with friends.  It makes me very happy to think of her enjoying herself after all she's been through. She also mentioned that she'd read the notes friends had left on "her" page, and on my TNT fundraising page and that it made her happy and proud to know they were thinking of her and willing to sponsor me.  So, if you know Kirsi (and even if you don't!) - please consider becoming a sponsor and/or leaving your own note for her.

I was on vacation these past two weeks - well sort of. I worked every day but stayed at our country place with my husband who was on vacation - officially, at least. The reality is that he spent most of his time working on house repairs, gardening and spoiling me!  And I must say that arriving home to healthy and delicious home-cooked meals every night and having so much time with him and our two beloved cats made it feel like a vacation for me too. The only downside was that I spent nearly three hours a day commuting back and forth to the city every day - though of course it was worth it!

Even with all the driving, I managed to squeeze in four runs this week - including an 8km run at "race pace" on Saturday and a 17km long slow run (LSR) along the river this morning - and I'm relieved and happy to be able to report that my knee seems to be on the mend at last. I confess I was a little worried after my apparent relapse last Sunday but it may be I just tried to do a little too much too soon. (What else is new?) In any case, I have another appointment with my chiro tonight and, provided he says it's okay, I'll tackle a short hill training session later this week and run 20kms next Sunday - two more steps towards getting back into full training mode.

My fundraising efforts over the past couple of weeks were hampered by the fact that I was staying in the country where I don't have easy access to the Internet - but I'm planning to be more diligent this week.

Counting two donations received but not yet posted on-line, the grand total now stands at $1610 - which is terrific! And it's wonderful to see donations coming from as far away as Germany and Belgium courtesy of some of Kirsi's former classmates and friends. But of course I still have a long way to go to reach my initial goal of $4,000 by August 1st so, if you haven't already sponsored me.... Well, you know the drill. (Here's the link to my TNT fundraising page once again.)

By the way, if you prefer not to donate on-line by paypal or credit card, send me an email and I'll be happy to forward you the information you need to donate by mail instead.

P.S. The photo above is of a patch of day lilies my husband rescued from amongst the weeds this week - a cheerful sight to come home to at the end of my long Sunday run!

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