Monday, August 8, 2011

Week 11: Catching up!

Kilometres this week: 46 kms
Total kms in 11 weeks: 357.7 kms

Other training: a wicked "boot camp" class, yoga
Funds raised to date: $3310.00

The high point of this week was exchanging messages with Kirsi, one of my honourees. As I mentioned previously, she and I and a few friends are planning a 50th birthday trip together in the new year so emails were flying this past weekend as we reached final agreement on a destination and dates for the trip.

Kirsi also sent pictures from her summer vacation - part of which she spent sailing with friends. I especially love this one of her at the helm - in her TNT hat! Looking at her now, it's hard to believe she was as ill as she was.

Here's another great one from the same trip. It's wonderful to see her looking so relaxed and happy!

For those who are interested, I've posted a few more photos on "her" page (which you can reach by clicking here.)

Because I was out of town until Monday night, it was a short training week but I still managed to squeeze in four excellent workouts over six days. In place of hill training on Thursday night, I tackled my first ever boot camp session. Given how sore my legs felt for two or three days after, I'm pretty sure I got at least as much strength training out of that session as I would have gotten out of running 8 or 10 hills. In any case, I made sure to incorporate some good steep hills into my other runs this week, and my knee held up well.

My long run on the weekend was 29kms along on the trails near our country place. It was a hot, humid Saturday morning so I was glad I was able to run in the shade of the pine trees that line the trails much of the way. One of my favourite moments was stumbling upon a couple of deer grazing by the river. I wish I ran as elegantly as they do. Fortunately, I still haven't seen any coyotes on my runs, but I regularly visit a family of Osprey that nests just at the edge of town. It was fun seeing the little ones leaned over the edge of their nest squawking at me as I passed on Saturday.

Fundraising is going well too. Thanks to a few more very generous sponsors (including Jon's widow, Michelle), total funds raised reached a little more than $3,300 this week. With three more donations promised and 10 weeks to go until race day, my initial goal of raising $4,000 seems well within reach - though, of course, I'll keep working in hopes of raising even more for this great cause.

Thanks to everyone who has already sponsored my run.  I appreciate it more than I can say.  And, of course, to those who haven't ... I'd love to hear from you soon! You can make a donation on-line using your credit card or paypal. Alternatively, send me an email and I'll let you know where you can send a cheque.

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