Thursday, May 26, 2011

Training plans

A quick post about my training plans.  In theory, it shouldn't be too difficult to prepare for San Francisco. I've been running very regularly the last two years, and have lost 20 pounds since I begain training for Chicago. This year, I've already run a 30km road race (the Around the Bay Road Race in Hamilton) and am trained up to run the Johnny Miles Marathon in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia next month. (Last week - the peak of my training - I ran more than 70kms, including a long run of 36kms.) In short, I'm fitter and faster than I've been in a long time.

But here's the problem. When I trained for Chicago, I had one major asset I won't have this time around - my husband, Luke, who ensured I was fed, watered, encouraged and supported through 5 long months of training.  Of course, he'll be encouraging and supporting me, but mostly from afar because we're living and working in separate cities at the moment - which means I'll be responsible for feeding and watering myself.  I'm not sure how I'm going to find time to do that properly on top of working full-time, training and fundraising - but I'll have to figure it out if I want to arrive in San Francisco in good shape.

Incidentally, I don't have a time goal for SF at this point - though being the (recovering) type A personality I am, I'll likely come up with one. For the Chicago Marathon, I trained harder than I ever had with the goal of running under 4:30. In the end,  I only managed a disappointing 4:47 as a result of running too fast in the first 5 kms and experiencing some severe knee pain during the second half of the race (likely the result of going out too fast).

My goal for Johnny Miles is the same 4:30 - which, based on my 30km time in March (3:07:45), should be possible - but much will depend on the day. For the next month, I plan to focus on resting and sleeping lots, eating well, and training a little more gently to let my body heal fully so that I'm as strong as I can be on race day. If I finally succeed in running 42.2 kms in less than 4:30, perhaps I'll feel confident about setting the same goal for SF - though that would be ambitious given that it's a much more challenging course. 

At any rate, first things first. Johnny Miles next month, and then a heart to heart with my TNT coaches (who are fabulous, BTW!). I'll keep you posted.

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